Category: autonomous

Fantasizing about AV interiors

Well, this is far from the first. Automakers, designers and journos have been salivating about concepts for autonomous vehicles that don’t need those annoying steering wheels.

This article looks at purpose-built autonomous shuttles and examines the emotional factors that will be crucial for consumer acceptance.

Creating the Driverless Car’s Interior

How 5G Can Make Ports More Sustainable

A sign in the foreground says Seaport. Beyond it, you see tall cranes used for unloading cargo containersInvesting in more sustainable port operations can be expensive–but the return on investment makes it worth it. This post for Ericsson details how digital transformation, enabled by fast and reliable connectivity, can help port operators optimize everything from vessel berthing to routing of autonomous forklifts to improve ROI.

Understanding the return on investment of future port sustainability

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

NAIAS 2020 Michigan Mobility Challenge Will Be Open to the Public

Autonomous vehicle demonstrations are ubiquitous at tech events and auto shows. But rides are usually only available to industry executives and journalists. For the 2020 North American Auto Show in June, the Michigan governor’s office, MDOT and the Michigan Economic Development Corporation’s PlanetM program joined forces to promote driverless vehicles to the public.

Five teams of vendors won the right to provide transportation not only to the show but, at least potentially, to other points of interest in downtown Detroit. The plan is to let anyone download a special version of the Moovit app and book rides on the driverless shuttles (that will, of course, have operators on board).

It’s a bold idea.

Detroit Driverless Binge to Push Tech and Acceptance

Carmakers: Upgrade Your Digital Experiences Now!

a car of the future shows a stewardess welcoming a woman with baggage aboard a self-driving car
Renault concept car

In the world of consumer services, we’ve heard for years that the digital experience can make or brake a brand.

As passengers vehicles become more and more automated, automakers will need to up their games and make the digital experience a more crucial part of the brand.

“Carmakers will face a huge pivot in advertising when their cars begin to drive themselves. No more will commercials showing people, hair blowing in the wind and driving into the sunset, make sense. Instead, they’ll need to play up factors such as reduced stress, comfort and relaxation.”

Digital Customer Experience Now Key For Automakers

What will drivers in self-driving trucks do?

… and other questions. Such as, who will clean the trash left in an autonomous taxi and how do you know whether a self-driving vehicle is performing correctly? In an autonomous world, some connected services will disappear, while there’s a need for new ones. What are the opportunities?

To find out, read Connected Services for Fleets in Autopilot Mode.

Is Autonomy Luxury or Table Stakes?

With automakers firmly committed to producing autonomous vehicles, will self-driving features be seen as luxurious? How soon will they become expected, the way automatic transmissions and power steering are? This article explores how and whether car makers will handle messaging about self-driving features.

The Role of Premium Services in a Connected-Car World

#autonomous #selfdrivingcars

AI and Automotive: Where we’re at

In the next 10 years, some form of artificial intelligence will be installed in 100 percent of new cars, according to IHS Markit.

This article describes current use cases for AI as well as the hurdles still to be overcome. One interesting idea from Luca DeAmbroggi of IHS is that there might be some kind of external certification process for an automotive AI — like a driver’s license.

AI: The Next Step in Smart Automotive