Reports and White Papers
Here’s a representative sample of reports and white papers I’ve produced for clients:
Public Transit and Mobility in the US
Client: Impact Cities: There’s a multitude of startups offering alternatives to public transportation, as well as last-mile options: ride hailing, ride sharing, autonomous shuttles, etc. This report examines whether they’ll cannibalize public transport and what’s necessary to better integrate them with existing modes.
Creating an On-Demand Electrified Mobility Ecosystem
Client: Impact Cities: This report examines the challenges of moving to all-electric municipal, multimodal transportation systems.
Today’s Auto Buyer and the Digital Experience
Client: Jumpstart Automotive: This paper provides insight into a study by Jumpstart and Ipsos on how consumers and auto dealers perceive the influence of online marketing.
Smart Cities: Embracing the Urban Data Economy
Client: Impact Cities: Examining the challenges and opportunities for cities to better use the data they have while preparing for a smarter future. Includes mobility, transit, smart grid, smart buildings and infrastructure.
Automotive Cybersecurity Industry Overview
Client: TU-Auto: Written for business leaders, this report examines security strategies and technologies for connected cars.
Meeting Exceptional Security Challenges
Client: Modis: This white paper includes an overview of new security threats, outlines steps companies should take to prepare for or recover from a breach, and discusses the roles and skill sets needed.
Rebuilding from a Cybersecurity Breach
Client: Modis: This report outlines best practices and methodologies for companies that have experienced a cybersecurity breach.